Customer Alerts
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Consumer Alert
February 2011: Since January 2011 many people interested in a greencard are receiving emails claiming that the recipient has won the US-Greeencard Lottery. Those emails also demand a Western Union payment of $600 to $900.- (this amount changes from mail to mail) to a person in London. Careful: This is a scam!1. The US-State Department NEVER informs winners via email.
2. The fees for the greencard only have to be paid at the time of the interview
directly to the US-embassy. Those fees are currently $819.- per person.
Following is the text of one of those scam-mails:
(Name and other personal data have been changed to protect the original recipient.)
U.S. Department of State sent this message to
Rahel Ammann (rahelammann119988772(at)
Your registered name is included to show this message originated from
U.S. Department of State. Congratulations, you've won! More ...
Rahel Ammann (rahelammann119988772(at)
Your registered name is included to show this message originated from
U.S. Department of State. Congratulations, you've won! More ...
The above mentioned mail is fake. In addition the mail contains wrong and misleading information which should make the greencard more attractive. The US-government never pays for health insurance, dwelling appartment or studies of greencard winners.
Currently (February 2011) no winners from the autumn-2010 submission have been notified by the state department. It seems as if USAFIS is behind this scam as many USAFIS-clients are receiving those emails and some of them also received the following mail directly from USAFIS:
Currently (February 2011) no winners from the autumn-2010 submission have been notified by the state department. It seems as if USAFIS is behind this scam as many USAFIS-clients are receiving those emails and some of them also received the following mail directly from USAFIS:
Rahel Ammann (Name changed by us), You accepted to receive messages from USAFIS Organization on the following date: 2010-06-07T16:05:33.165.
More ...
Worldwide there are a number of companies offering services for the U.S.-Greencard Lottery. Amongst those providers there are unfortunately some fraudulently and unethically working enterprises. We have long hesitated to accuse those companies, but have received numerous comments from our clients, asking us to warn other people. We have therefore decided to now name some of those fraudulent services.USAGC, USAFIS und USAGCL are private companies, intending with their websites to be the official governmental authority in charge of the greencard lottery. Those companies are for example registered in the turkish part of cyprus, a commonly known no-law zone. None of these companies is registered in the USA as the FTC (Federal Trade Commision) would immediately close them down. The published U.S.-addresses are pure P.O. boxes. Those companies are not available via telephone. Emails are generally not answered after the payment has been received. Winner documents are forwarded to dubious law companies (e.g. an israelian law office) for so called support. This law company is charging US-Dollar 2'500 for further support. We know from winners, which paid for those services, had sent their documents and never heard again from their lawyer. When they finally reached the company after several months, they were told that their documents had been incomplete, could therefore not be processed and that it was too late now, as the time to apply had expired. Of course no refund has ever been paid.
At GCAS / GCSS you are truly supported. We reply to your emails and contact requests individually and generally not with copied FAQ's. We do not contact our clients with anonymous telephone calls, but show our true number. Our published address is also our office and private residence of our founder and CEO Matthias Pfeiffer. Mr Pfeiffer possesses a truly accredited MBA and is also working as a senior lecturer for the most renowned Swiss Hotel Universities for more than 20 years. Our telephone availablity is therefore sometimes limited, but we guarantee you a ring back on our expenses or an individual email reply, if you send us an email or contact request through our webpage.
With GCAS you are on the safe side.

Please use only the following GCAS-Domains: – – –
– other Domains could lead you to Lottery Scams.
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