+++ Top News: The U.S.-Authorities are now asking for additional passport data to avoid fraud in connection with the greencard lottery. This will increase your chances of winning this year, especially for people from Europe. +++

Program Summary


About the lottery

Created by the immigration act of 1990, the United States Government introduced the diversity visa program to give away 50,000 green cards every year. This diversification act is designed to promote an equal mix of immigrants from all cultures. People from countries like China and India with already high numbers of US-immigrants are therefore excluded from the Greencard Lottery.

How it works

The United States is the only country currently known to conduct such a program. This is the only opportunity for many people to get entry into the United States. Visas are distributed among six geographic regions with a greater number of visas going to regions with lower rates of immigration, and with no visas going to people from countries sending more than 50,000 immigrants to the U.S. in the past five years. Within each region, no one country may receive more than seven percent of the available Diversity Visas in any one year. There is no discrimination for gender, age, religion, race, colour in the greencard lottery process. There is NO minimum or maximum age limit.

With GCAS Green Card Application Service you will be safe

The application periods for this program are fairly short and are not published extensively. Every year the entry dates are changing. It is not surprising that in previous years more than 40% of attempted entries got disqualified due to errors in the registration process. With GCAS Green Card Application Service you can be 100% sure to be amongst the qualifying entries. GCAS verifies your application for completeness and correctness and guarantees a successful submission with the US-government.

To apply now, click on the following button: If you are not sure whether you qualify for this program or not, please use our Qualification Check.

Further Program Details

In case you are looking for more information about the greencard lottery or if you have further questions, please visit our FAQ’s. You will find answers to all important questions about the greencard itself and other topics related to the greencard lottery.
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