Live and Work
in the USA
in the USA
Participate now in the Official US Green Card Lottery!

Kontrollimi i kualifikueshmërisë
Jeto, puno dhe studjo në SHTETET E BASHKUARA TË AMERIKËS

¹ Education OR
Work Experience:
A principal applicant must have EITHER a high school education or its equivalent, defined in the U.S. as successful completion of a 12-year course of elementary and secondary education OR two years of work experience within the past five years in an occupation requiring at least two years of training process or experience to perform. The U.S. Department of Labor’s O*Net OnLine database will be used to determine the occupations that require at least two years of training or experience to perform. It is sufficient if the applicant has completed the requirements within approx. 1,5 years after the application.
Work Experience:
A principal applicant must have EITHER a high school education or its equivalent, defined in the U.S. as successful completion of a 12-year course of elementary and secondary education OR two years of work experience within the past five years in an occupation requiring at least two years of training process or experience to perform. The U.S. Department of Labor’s O*Net OnLine database will be used to determine the occupations that require at least two years of training or experience to perform. It is sufficient if the applicant has completed the requirements within approx. 1,5 years after the application.
² If you are separated from your spouse and a court has determined the separation, you may apply without your spouse. In this case choose "not married".
Winner P.Steinbacher says:

I had chosen the 10-year subscription due to the low average annual cost and the increased winning chances through an uninterrupted participation. And it worked : we now live in America and every day I appreciate as a trucker the beauty oft he north american continent. A dream came true! Thanks to Mr Pfeiffer from Greencard Application Service who has helped us tremendously with all the paper work.